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Tracing Singapore's Bubble Tea History

Bubble tea has come a long way in Singapore. From its humble beginnings at a single café in town, to its prevalence at the myriad of takeaway outlets we see today, bubble tea has undergone several ups and downs with its popularity as a beverage. While many regard it as a fad, others deem it to be a classic example of how a simple drink can continue to appeal to different taste preferences and be enjoyed by people across generations. Here are several historical aspects of how bubble tea has changed over the years in Singapore.

1. From Cocktail Glasses to Plastic Takeouts

Bubble Tea Packaging Early Days Singapore

Bubble tea made its debut in Singapore when Bubble Tea Garden, a café or what was called “bubble tea hut”, opened at Marina Square in 1992. Back then, the beverage was a favourite among Chinese-speaking students who probably already knew about the origins of the drink from Chun Shui Tang tea house in Taiwan. Bubble tea was commonly served in rather fancifully-shaped cocktail glasses when customers dined in at eateries. Nowadays, people opt to purchase their bubble tea in disposable plastic cups from the ubiquitous takeout kiosks around Singapore. This has created tonnes of waste in the environment and only less than 20% of the cups disposed are really recycled. LiHo, a local brand name, started selling their bubble milk tea in plastic bags in 2019, probably in an attempt to reduce the amount of plastic used and give the drink a local twist. Who knows, the next time bubble tea may be served in biodegradeable cups?

2. A Different Competitive Arena Since 2001

bubble tea brands in singapore

The battlefield has changed over the years, with different challengers coming to and leaving Singapore. When the drink first became a phenomenal hit in 2001, the major chains included Cool Station, Quickly and Milk Girl Ice Cup. Perhaps the more memorable ones from the late 90s were Each-a-Cup and Sweet Talk, both of which still remain in town today. Even hawker centres started selling the drink, and because of the huge competition and price wars, the bubble burst among many customers by 2003. Still, many outlets persisted, and a decade after it first became immensely popular, the bubble floated back to the surface in 2011. There were 500 outlets retailing the chilled drink, including newer brands like Gong Cha and Koi. As of 2019, the arena is flooded with dozens of brands from Taiwan, China, Thailand and Korea. If you can recognize the above logos, chances are you have already tried a cuppa!

3. Change Your Cup of Tea Whenever and Wherever

different ways to customise your bubble tea

The original classic bubble tea is similar to the Teh in Singapore – Red or black tea with condensed milk and complete with tapioca pearls. However, when bubble tea first conquered Singapore in 1992, there were already several varieties to choose from, such as Pearl Red Bubble Tea, Yam Shake, Whisky Red Tea, and Honey Egg Yolk from Bubble Tea Garden. Subsequently, these exotic flavours were phased out when customers became more tea-centric. Besides black tea, Matcha or green tea, Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Earl Grey tea, and even Cheese Tea (essentially green or black tea topped with foamy milk and cream cheese) were introduced to the market. Should you fancy a more pronounced tea flavour, you can always adjust the sugar level to a healthier percentage.

4. Never Before Seen Colour and Flavour Of Pearls

different type of bubble tea pearls

The “bubbles” or little chewy tapioca pearls in bubble tea have undergone various transformations, from simply being drenched in brown sugar to give them their classic black colouration in the early days, to being injected with different flavours and colours in recent years. Between 2017 and 2018, places like Hollin and PlayMade came up with freshly made matcha, chocolate, coffee, and even peanut butter flavoured pearls. Homegrown brand LiHo now offers purple taro pearls with its new taro soy latte. For the heath conscious or those who prefer something less starchy, you can replace your pearls with aloe vera, grass jelly or konjac jelly.

5. The Emergence of Brown Sugar Milk in 2018

brown sugar bubble tea

Before the recent craze over brown sugar milk in 2018, there were salted and unsalted caramel bubble milk tea, which tasted just as sweet as its new cousin. Brown sugar milk does not have tea in it, and is simply fresh milk with brown sugar syrup streaked along the sides of the cup to give it a signature look. Tiger Sugar is known for brown sugar milk, but several other brands have also caught up with the latest trend and innovated new variants. For example, HeyTea has created Brown Sugar Brûlée Bobo Milk, which is brown sugar milk with crème brûlée topping. What a way to increase your calcium and calorie intake!

6. Bubble Tea is Now Food – Ice Cream, Croissants, Hot Pot and More

bubble tea food in singapore

Bubble tea has become so popular among Singaporeans that the drink has transformed into an edible treat. Whenever you are craving for something more substantial than a beverage, look to the Bubble Tea Ice Cream sold at Halal-certified TP Tea or HeyTea. Shuang Yeh’s Boba Milk Tea ice-cream bars are also available for purchase at online stores. In more recent history, sweet snacks such as the Bubble Tea Croissants from Brotherbird Milk & Croissants (available only on weekends) and Bubble Tea Tarts from Edith Patisserie have caught the attention of die-hard fans. For the adventurous, there is the enormous bubble tea hot pot from Spice World Hotpot at Clarke Quay…Yes, the bubble tea is served hot. Wonder what’s next?

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